Member, Board of Directors Position Description/Responsibilities
All Director appointments to the Federation Board shall be for a term of four years. No individual shall serve as a society’s representative for more than eight years. Terms commence on July 1 of the year appointed and end on June 30 of the fourth year in service.
- Diligently execute a Board member’s fiduciary duties of care, loyalty, and obedience
- Care – attentiveness and diligence in overseeing the operations of FASEB
- Loyalty – the interests of FASEB supersede any personal, business, societal, or other interests
- Obedience – understanding of and adherence to applicable federal and state laws, and the FASEB bylaws
- Diligently prepare for and attend monthly Board conference calls and up to 3 in-person meetings of the Board as a voting member
- Exercise independent judgement and willingness to express dissenting views in an appropriate manner inside the board room and board discussions
- Remain mindful of the potential impact of a Director’s actions on FASEB including purporting to speak for FASEB and interacting with FASEB staff
- Attend, in person or electronically, at least eight regular Board meetings annually.
- Comply with FASEB travel policies and timely submission of expense reports for Board meetings
The Board seeks to include the broad diversity of the biological and biomedical sciences, but recognizes these are appointed positions through the authority of the member societies. Nonetheless, biographic and demographic diversity is important and should be considered as an overarching goal when a member society appoints its representative. The following are personal characteristics that a Director should have:
- Interest in / passion for / experience with advocating on behalf of the biological and biomedical sciences
- Effective communicator across multiple stakeholders such as the member society, funders, and the general public
- Demonstrated commitment to serve science through scientific organizations
- Record of professional service, including active membership in a FASEB Society
- Experience working within Member Society Councils and/or Committees
- Working knowledge of the federal budget process and structure
- Respectful and supportive of transparent, open discussion and consensus-based decision making
- Able to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive or proprietary information
Time Commitment
- 3 in-person Board meetings of 1.5 days each, plus travel and preparation time
- 9 Board calls of approximately 1 hr. each plus preparation time
- 1-2 hours per month email correspondence
- Ad-hoc calls as required
- Potential to volunteer, or be asked to participate in, ad hoc task forces on matters of importance to the Science Policy Committee, Board and FASEB.