Public Affairs and Science Policy
- Expand member society participation in FASEB programs and activities
- Improve coordination and support of member societies’ public affairs and science policy programs
- Increase the number of societies participating in FASEB public affairs and policy efforts
- Expand multi-channel communications services
- Amplify local grassroots engagement
Research and Education
- Facilitate sharing and implementation of ideas and programs across FASEB member societies
- Create an environment of program and product innovation that benefits member societies and the greater life sciences community
- Support principles and best practices of openness, reproducibility, and rigor in data and science
Public Engagement
- Collaborate across member societies to support existing and develop new public outreach, awareness, and advocacy activities
- Increase and improve science communication skills training
- Leverage FASEB communications channels and team to expand visibility of FASEB and member society programs and activities
Talent Pool
- Expand career and skills acquisition opportunities
- Create a culture of inclusiveness and reduce barriers to participation and advancement of underrepresented populations in the biological and biomedical sciences
- Expand grant programs and pursue new funding/grant opportunities supporting trainee participation in member society activities
Organizational Excellence
- Adapt and improve governance to accommodate growth and change
- Ensure financial stability
- Pursue continuous quality improvements for business operations and programs
- Support and maintain a highly engaged, service oriented, high capability staff
- Facilitate the missions of life science societies