SRC Promotional Resources

This page contains promotional toolkits for organizers to promote the 2024 Science Research Conferences. 2025 SRC Promotional Toolkits will be available in November of 2024.

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SRC Promotional Toolkits

Your conference promotional toolkit has been developed by FASEB for you to use to promote your meeting. Each kit includes:

  • Marketing QuickStart: introduces you to the SRC marketing lifecycle, describes key tactics and tools, and confirms your responsibilities in promoting your SRC
  • Social Media Tip Sheet: Provides an insider's view on how to get the best response to your social media posts
  • NEW: Organizer Video Guide and Sample Script: A complete how-to guide on making a promotional video message for your SRC. Includes a sample script so you can best reach your audiences
  • Graphics: includes an email signature, header, and social media graphic
  • Email Templates: 3 distinct messages to send to your professional networks

Please select your conference from the list below to download your Promotional Toolkit zipped file:


Biologically Active Components of Human Milk
Biology and Chemistry of Vision
Biology of Acinetobacter XIV
Calcium and Cell Function
Cellular Plasticity in Cancer
Cytoskeletal Structure, Dynamics, and Function
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Ferroptosis, Oxidative Stress, and Lipid Metabolism
G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinases and Arrestins
Genetic Basis of Blood Cancers and Bone Marrow Failure
GI Epithelium: Interface with the Outside World
Hematologic Malignancies
HIV Reservoirs and Immune Control
Immune Repertoire Decoding
Ion Channel Regulation
Lipid Mediators: Advancements and Approaches
Machines on Genes
Mechanisms in Plant Development
Mechanisms of Immune Cell Development and Function
Mechanisms of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation and Repair
Mechanobiology of the Nucleus
Microbial Pathogenesis: Mechanisms of Infection
Mobile DNA: Mechanisms and Health Impact
Optical Probes: Discovery to Application
Protein Aggregation: Polymorphic Species
Protein Phosphorylation
RNA Binding Proteins: From Structure to Inhibitors
RNA Processing in Cancer: From Bench to Bedside
Septins: Spatial Regulators of Cell Biology
Signal Transduction in the Immune System
The Future of PKD Research 

Any marketing questions or requests should be directed to Brandon Corbett, Marketing Manager at [email protected].