FASEB Committees
Audit Committee Assists the board of directors in fulfilling its financial and compliance oversight responsibilities.
Chair: Chester A. Ray, PhD (ACSM) Staff Liaison: Julie Jones
DataWorks Advisory Committee Oversees the implementation of the DataWorks! program to ensure biomedical community engagement around data sharing and reuse, alignment of the FASEB DataWorks! program with community needs, as well as community awareness of DataWorks! programs.
Chair: Parker Antin, PhD (AAA) Staff Liaison: Yvette Seger, PhD
Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion Committee Develops and implements strategies to guide the Federation’s efforts to foster diverse, equitable, accessible, and inclusive research, training, and professional environments.
Chair: Lauren M. Walker, PhD (Vice President for DEAI) Vice Chair: Rachel M. Brewster, PhD (Vice President-elect for DEAI) Staff Liaison: France-Elvie Banda, M.A.
Excellence in Science Award Committee The FASEB Excellence in Science Award is given in recognition of outstanding achievement by women in biological science. Recipients are women whose career achievements have contributed significantly to furthering our understanding of a particular discipline through excellence in research. The committee reviews nominee submissions and makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors.
Chair: Joanna Spencer-Segal, MD, PhD (Endo) Staff Liaison: Sally Schwettmann, CAE
Executive Committee Consists of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President for Science Policy, Vice President-Elect for Science Policy, Immediate Past Vice President for Science Policy, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, and two members elected from the FASEB Board of Directors. The Executive Committee may exercise the management authority of the Board of Directors in between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee reports to the Board.
Chair: Beth A. Garvy, PhD, President Staff Liaison: Frank Krause, CAE
Executive Officers Advisory Committee Addresses items of mutual interest to the Federation and the member societies. Reports of the meetings are presented at Federation Board meetings.
Chair / Staff Liaison: Frank Krause, CAE
Finance Committee Is responsible for (in consultation with the Executive Director) recommending an annual budget to the Federation Board; overseeing the management of invested funds of the Federation; recommending an investment policy for the Federation; and in all other ways, assisting the Treasurer.
Treasurer: Thomas L. Clemens, PhD Staff Liaison: Julie Jones
Howard Garrison Advocacy Fellowship Selection and Oversight Committee Administers the Howard Garrison Advocacy Fellowship, including the establishment and oversight of program guidelines and the annual selection of program participants.
Chair: Michael D. Schaller, PhD (ASBMB) Staff Liaison: Sally Schwettmann, CAE and Jennifer Zeitzer
Leadership Development Committee The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) recommends strategies for identifying and developing leadership within FASEB to advance the Strategic Plan and strengthen the governance model.
Chair: Mary-Ann Bjornsti, PhD, Immediate Past President Vice Chair: Kevin C. Kregel, PhD Staff Liaison: Sally Schwettmann, CAE
Meetings Committee Provides strategic direction for FASEB’s scientific meetings and conferences. It facilitates the scientific quality and integrity of the FASEB meetings portfolio and product lines. Further, the Committee recommends new scientific areas and programming for conferences in specialized biological and biomedical fields to share information, develop collaboration, and mentor junior researchers.
Chair: Diane M. Duffy (Endo, SSR) Staff Liaison: Silvy Song
Protection of Human Subjects Committee Authorized to determine if a FASEB member society program involving surveys that evaluate educational programs and other social science endeavors is exempt from IRB review (under HHS 10 regulations at 45 CFR 46.101(b)). The committee shall ensure the appropriate communication of such a policy to all investigators.
Staff Liaison: Nabila Riaz, PhD
Publications Committee An advisory committee to the Federation Board and journal Editors and is responsible for strategic oversight of FASEB’s peer-reviewed publications.
Chair: Nancy Turner, PhD (ASN) Vice Chair: Liliana Schaefer (HCS) Staff Liaison: Darla Henderson, PhD
Science Policy Committee Monitors and advises FASEB’s President and Board of Directors on public policy topics, federal initiatives, and emerging issues of importance to the Federation and its member societies.
Vice President for Science Policy: Michael Lehman, PhD (SEBM) Vice President-Elect for Science Policy: H. Joseph Yost, PhD (AAA) Staff Liaison: Naomi Charalambakis, PhD