July 1–September 30, 2022

Every day FASEB offers real value to its members by providing programs and services of benefit to you. Here are just a few recent initiatives that demonstrate our dedication to you and your society members. Spread the word about the member benefits your society receives—share this information with your leadership and staff. 

Reaffirming the Need for Health Care Decisions Based on Scientific Evidence 

Recognizing the potential impact on the lives and work of researchers across the Federation, FASEB issued a statement opposing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the longstanding precedent of Roe v. Wade in protecting an individual’s constitutional right to privacy in health care. The statement reaffirmed our position that health care decisions should be made by an individual based on medical advice and scientific evidence. The statement also pointed out that unintended consequences of the court’s departure from legal precedent affect equal access to quality health care, education and development of a diverse workforce, and advancement of scientific discovery and innovation. Read the full statement 

Pursuing Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Goals 

Continuing our commitment to build a scientific workforce that more fully reflects our increasingly diverse nation, FASEB opened a second round for applications for two of our new programs—CARES and LEAD. CARES provides financial support to alleviate financial burdens associated with caregiving, enabling your members to continue their scientific training, professional development, and career progression. Each selected applicant will receive an award of $5,000. LEAD is a mentoring program that pairs senior-level professionals with junior-level mentors to gain different perspectives of individual, group, and cultural views within the workplace and scientific research communities.

Encourage your members to apply to these programs. Individuals at Full Member societies are eligible for CARES; there is no membership restriction for LEAD. Applications will be accepted through November 3.  

Highlighting the Value of Animal Research 

In September, FASEB hosted its first Animal Research Capitol Hill Day to highlight the value of federally funded research with animals. Selected representatives from Full Member societies were invited to take part. In partnership with the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC), the event sought to combine your members’ basic science expertise with the veterinary prowess of AAVMC to communicate with key Congressional leaders and their staff about the role of animal research in improving quality of life for humans and animals alike. FASEB and AAVMC held 16 meetings with lawmakers who either serve on pertinent House and Senate committees or represent a state with a Nonhuman Primate Research Center

Featuring Your Members' Excellence and Innovation

The 2022 FASEB Excellence in Science Awards were awarded to three researchers in the biological and biomedical sciences:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Arlene H. Sharpe of Harvard Medical School; nominated by the American Society for Investigative Pathology
  • Mid-Career Investigator Award: Sallie R. Permar of Weill Cornell Medicine; nominated by the American Association of Immunologists
  • Early-Career Investigator Award: Smita Krishnaswamy of Yale University; nominated by the Society for Developmental Biology

The awards honor outstanding women scientists who demonstrate commitment to the professional development of others, their scientific society, and the broader community. Women who are current members of a Full Member society are eligible to be nominated for an award.

Individuals at Full Member societies may submit a nomination for the 2023 Excellence in Science Awards. Nominations will be accepted through December 12.

 Engaging on Open Science and Research Integrity

FASEB partnered with other leading societies in the Alliance for Open Scholarship (All4OS) to advance open science principles. The alliance is a diverse group of professional societies and associations committed to accelerating the transition to a more open, equitable, and sustainable ecosystem by developing discipline-specific guidance on key topics pertinent to your members—such as data management plans, incentives for open science, adoption of FAIR and CARE data sharing principles, and improving public trust in science.

We also continued to engage with a large variety of stakeholders, including society member publishers, boards, and policy and advocacy teams in response to the August 25 OSTP memo, "Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research." If your members have questions about this initiative, email Darla Henderson, FASEB Director of Open Science and Research Integrity.

Highlighting a Culture of Data Sharing and Reuse 

Many of your members will soon be required to comply with the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, which takes effect in three months. In preparation, FASEB continued to highlight and advance a culture of data sharing and reuse through the DataWorks! initiative.

  • DataWorks! Salons—These interactive and engaging online conversation spaces enabled your members to exchange ideas and design effective practices for data sharing and reuse within their own labs. Discussions explored digitizing your lab through the use of e-notebooks and other tools and exploring desirable characteristics when selecting a repository.
  • DMP Challenge—Data management plans (DMPs) play an integral role in your members’ research, ensuring that their data are collected, organized, stored, and shared responsibly. FASEB opened a second round for submissions to the challenge to help members practice creating a DMP that aligns with the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan (NOT-OD-21-013). We will award up to 10 Outstanding NIH DMSP awards, each of which includes a prize of $500. If your member collaborates with their librarian, they can win an additional $500. Individuals at Full Member and Associate Member societies are eligible to apply. Encourage your members to take part. Submissions are due October 21.

Are your members still uncertain about how to comply with the new NIH policy? Schedule an informational session to learn more about how DataWorks! can help.

Spotlighting Your Society's Science 

For the first time, Endocrine Society partnered with FASEB to host a Science Research Conference, the Mechanisms of Allostasis Conference. The conference convened experts in the fields of stress biology, neuroendocrinology, and related disciplines who covered topics on stress and reproduction, the integration of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis with metabolism and the gut microbiome, and how stress hormones work at the molecular and cellular level to alter physiologic function. The highlight of the conference was a special panel presentation and discussion, “Update from Katrina and Beyond: Impacts of Chronic Community Stress on Mental Health,” featuring local New Orleans representatives, health officials, and researchers. 

Your society and its members have a unique opportunity to share their cutting-edge research through our Science Research Conferences. These 4- to 5-day conferences feature a mix of scientific presentations, poster sessions, and networking activities. Email us to learn how your society can co-sponsor an SRC.

More Benefits to Share

Science policy and legislative affairs staff at both Full and Associate Member societies get access to insider information forwarded by federal agencies (e.g., newsletters, meeting invitations, general announcements). Email Naomi Charalambakis, FASEB Associate Director of Science Policy, or Ellen Kuo, FASEB Associate Director of Legislative Affairs, for more information.



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