Meetings Committee Vice Chair
Position Description/Responsibilities


Two years beginning on July 1 of the year following their selection and ending on June 30 of the second year. A Vice-Chair may be reappointed by the FASEB Board for one additional two-year term.


  • Partner with the Chair and the Director of the Office of Scientific Meetings and Conferences to develop and prepare for meetings of the Meetings Committee
  • Serve as Chair of the Meetings Committee in the Chair’s absence
  • Prepare for and attend meetings of the Meetings Committee


Biographic, demographic, and scientific diversity in governance is an overarching goal of the Federation, and the Board seeks to appoint members to Federation committees who represent this diversity.

The following are personal characteristics that the Vice Chair of the Meetings Committee should have:

  • Strong interest in supporting in science exchange through meetings and conferences
  • Experience in leading scientific meeting programs and/ or attending scientific meetings
  • Excellent leadership and facilitation skills
  • Demonstrated commitment to collaboration and team building
  • Record of professional service, including active membership in a FASEB Society
  • Experience working with Member Society Councils and Committees
  • Understanding of program and/or event operating budgets
  • Knowledge about and experience in biological and biomedical research or comparable experience

Time Commitment

  • 1-hr meetings every other month; additional meetings as necessary
  • 1-2 hours per week discussion and preparation with the Chair and staff, primarily the Director of the Office of Scientific Meetings and Conferences
  • 1 hour every two weeks email correspondence