Member, Science Research Conferences Advisory Committee Position Description/Responsibilities
For member society representatives, up to three years, beginning on July 1 of the year following their selection and ending on June 30 of the third year. For previous SRC organizers and Ad hoc members, one year beginning July 1 of the year following their selection and ending on June 30 of the following year.
- Participates in calls and meetings of the Science Research Conferences Advisory Committee (voting as necessary).
- Peer-review conference applications based on the committee’s standards for quality and integrity and determine those that are scientifically sound and demonstrate promise to be a successful addition to the portfolio.
- Advise on organizer recruitment and on conference topics to foster collaborations that spur innovation, growth, and development in the biological and biomedical fields.
- Provide input as needed on conference formats, activities, and ideas in support of the SRC strategic plan.
The Board seeks to include the broad diversity of the biological and biomedical sciences but recognizes these are mostly appointed positions through the authority of the member societies. Nonetheless, biographic and demographic diversity is important and should be considered as an overarching goal when a member society appoints its representative. The following are personal characteristics that members of the SRCAC should have:
- Strong interest in supporting the SRCs as the premier venue for intimate, topic-specific experiences in the biological and biomedical sciences.
- Prior attendance at one or more scientific meetings
- Membership in one or more FASEB member societies (for society appointees) or serving within the last three years as a past organizer for a FASEB SRC (for past organizers)
- Demonstrated commitment to collaboration and team building
- Knowledge about and experience in biological and biomedical research or comparable experience
Time Commitment
- Two calls of two to five hours in duration during application review periods; reviews are currently in March and November
- Self-preparation time to peer-review SRC applications during review period(s); number of applications depends upon number received, usually 5-7 per reviewer
- Ad hoc correspondence if needed during the year