Position Description/Responsibilities


One year beginning on July 1 of the year elected and ending on June 30 of the following year.


  • Prepare for and attend Finance Committee meetings: 1-2 in-person meetings and 2 conference calls
  • Preside at meetings of the Finance Committee in the Treasurer's absence
  • Prepare for and attend monthly conference calls and 3 in-person meetings of the Board as a voting member
  • Serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee and attend weekly conference calls


Biographic, demographic, and scientific diversity in governance is an overarching goal of the Federation, and FASEB encourages leadership nominations who represent this diversity.

The following are personal characteristics that the Treasurer-Elect should have:

  • Knowledge about and experience in financial control and budgeting
  • Ability to communicate budget/financial information
  • Demonstrated understanding of the Federation’s financial structure, policies, and procedures
  • Excellent leadership and facilitation skills
  • Demonstrated commitment to collaboration and team building
  • Record of professional service, including active membership in a FASEB Society
  • Knowledge about and experience in biological and/or biomedical research or comparable experience

Time Commitment

  • 3 in-person or virtual Board meetings of 1.5 days each, plus travel
  • 2 in-person Finance Committee meetings of 1 day each, plus travel
  • 1-2 hours per week for various conference calls – Executive Committee, Board, etc.
  • 1-2 hours per week email correspondence
  • 1 hour per week Treasurer-Elect training