DataWorks! Salon_logo_black_gray

DataWorks! Salon is a conversation space for the biological and biomedical research community to exchange ideas and design effective practices for data sharing and reuse. Our salons present best practices in data management and sharing from researchers and experts in the field. So far, our DataWorks! salons have hosted more than 75 speakers and 2,000 participants. Learn more

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  • DataWorks! salons bring the community together to discuss best practices in data management. Subjects vary, but the focus is always the same...making sure that you're supported in efforts around data management sharing and reuse. #DataManagement @FASEBorg
  • Check out #FASEBDataWorks! Salons where conversations around best practices in data management sharing and reuse are discussed. Join the discussion and register for a salon! #DataManagement #FAIRdata #OpenScience @FASEBorg

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